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Chronic wounds represent one of the biggest problems of insufficient or disrupted oxygen supply, particularly with older people. There are millions of such cases. As the name states, these wounds are typically chronic, i.e. the healing process is greatly disrupted or is not taking place over the long term. This leads to a significant loss in the quality of life of the afflicted and results in significant costs in the health care system.

Most problematic chronic wounds (venous and foot ulcers) are likely due to hypoxia (a deficiency of oxygen), which is in turn caused by a diagnosable underlying disease – particularly by venous insufficiency (varicose veins and complications following deep vein thrombosis), arterial circulatory disorders (intermittent claudication and "smoker's leg") or diabetes mellitus. This is where Sangui's competency with targeted cellular oxygen supply comes in.

A helpful product was researched and developed for the healing of these chronic wounds, a unique, patented spray with hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the air to the wound tissue, thus mitigating the oxygen deficiency. This unique medicinal product is manufactured by our partner company, Mölnlycke Health Care GmbH, marketed under the Granulox brand name. A product from Sangui research.


Granulox – outlicensed to Mölnlycke Health Care GmbH

Based on SanguiBioTech GmbH´s research and development, brought to product maturity and marketing in cooperation with Sander/Strothmann GmbH.

News about Granulox

Renowned medical lawyer:
Granulox refundable!
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as a PDF file here.


Granulox Image Video is available for viewing at www.granulox.de

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University of Münster rates economic efficiency of Granulox
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Independent market study on the wound healing market and market entry scenarios
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